Motivii improves engagement at RBS in London & Edinburgh


In 2017, RBS used Motivii across several departments, and after several months of use, users gave their feedback on sharing feedback through the Weekly Update & the longer-term insights the platform's People Analytics dashboard provided. 

Gary Brown, Business Management, CAO Services

Gary was one of the first people to use Motivii since the trial at RBS began. 

“Motivii is a great way to check the temperature on how teams are feeling and receive regular updates about what they’re working on,” he said. 

“Additionally, when team leads get together to discuss employee engagement during the previous week, Motivii offers concrete examples to help understand recent successes and challenges, enabling leaders to position their coaching feedback accordingly.” 

Matt Elliott, Project Manager, CIO Office

Matt works within a team of seven that reports up to his manager. Each member of this team uses Motivii to log their focuses, challenges and achievements each week. 

Rather than have employees just share their updates with the manager, Moitvii enables them to automatically  sent around the whole team on Monday morning. This enables Matt and his team to stay up-to-date with each other’s activities. 

“Motivii helps bring us together,” he explained. 

Along with the Motivii Update, Matt’s boss also shares word clouds of terms that demonstrate team sentiment around the team each week. 

On an individual level, Matt finds the objectives feature “a really, really useful way to bring personal goals and ambitions in line with what the team is working on.” 

Previously, Matt’s team used spreadsheets to log this information, but Motivii makes this information far more visible, more consistent, and much more functional, he said. 

“The onboarding process was really simple, too”, Matt commented, adding that the platform is so easy to use that it’s clear how it works after completing just one update. 

Rob Haile, Lead Business Specialist, ICB Programme

Rob has been using Motivii for four months as part of Linda’s team.  Throughout this time he has become a strong advocate of Motivii’s use at a team-level at RBS. 

As both a manager with direct reports, and an employee who reports to a manager, Rob has been very pleased with how Motivii has enabled him to keep track of his team’s attitude to work, as well as his own motivation levels. 

“Motivii Updates are quick and easy to complete. I have a four hour commute and I love that I can use Motivii from my personal device on the way back from work. 

“Motivii is especially useful when preparing for infrequent reviews, because it gives a “living, breathing account of your organisation”, he added. 

Naresh Vyas, Head of Solutions

Naresh has been using the tool for four months, both as a line manager and a direct report, and clearly sees the benefit of it. 

“Motivii is good because it’s focused, it’s not trying to do too much, and it made me think of what I was working on for the week early on,” he said. “This in turn helped me organise my tasks.” 

Motivii is also really easy to use, he said: “You can log in with a click and you don’t even have to do that, because the most important information is sent to you via email.”

“Line managers like me are having tremendous success with the platform, and use it to replace previous reporting tools,” he added. 

Half of direct reports on Naresh’s team used the tool regularly, while the other half needed prodding. Naresh also found that Motivii’s success depended on the line manager being engaged and active on the platform. 

“Motivii’s motivation levels and personal stats were helpful, and corresponded directly to what was going on at the organisation at the time. For example, motivation was down as restructuring took place, and was up after an award win.” 

Sarah Morson, Business Manager

“My team can’t speak highly enough of Motivii,” Sarah said. “It has been used a lot in our team, for a lot of different reasons.” 

“We use the Update ahead of a quick huddle we have every Monday. In this time we go through everyone’s challenges, celebrate their successes and outline their focus areas for the week ahead. Then we look at the weekly motivation stats, and if there’s been a dip we’re able to have an honest conversation about why that is.” 

Sarah said that the weekly motivation score in particular has helped the team tackle difficult subjects and reach a consensus that everyone’s happy with. The motivation score also encourages individuals in teams to take ownership of their own motivation levels, she added.

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