Engagement & Performance Made Simple.

Great management made simple

Motivii helps managers lead their team with super simple tools for improving feedback, engagement & performance.


Simple end of week feedback

At the end of each week employees instinctively capture how they’re doing, what they’re working on next, and answer a few anonymous questions about work.

This helps employees manage themselves better and saves managers time chasing feedback, helping them kickstart each week and improve things quicker.

Over time, this process helps everyone think more about how they’re doing at work and keep what’s most important front-of-mind.

Learn more about the Weekly Update

Help for every manager

By receiving employees’ highlights and challenges for the week, managers know what to celebrate and where their team needs support.

Meanwhile, seeing their team’s key priorities helps managers focus their teams on what matters most.

With fast feedback from anonymous questions their team answer each week, managers can also spot trends and make quick improvements.


Build more resilient teams

Motivii’s simple update introduces an agile-style continuous feedback process that improves communication within your team.

Over time, this improves the productivity, performance and engagement of your team.

Develop your people

All employees can enter and update their objectives in a clear, easy-to-understand way that aligns to company-wide goals & keeps their manager in the know.

By reminding employees of their objectives when they matter most, Motivii helps keeps short-term tasks relevant to long-term goals.

Aligning objectives to company-wide goals also means that no one loses sight of the bigger picture.

Learn more about Objectives

360 feedback

Give & gather feedback in a simple and secure way. Ask classic 360 questions with our templates or build your own custom survey.

Ask classic 360 questions with our templates, or build your own survey with questions that you decide.

Learn more about 360 Feedback

Dynamic reviews

Employees prepare for reviews in a simple flow that surfaces insight from weekly updates. This background helps managers & their teams have more productive development conversations.

That’s why Motivii encourages managers and their teams to prepare for their review by looking back at their progress, and their own attitude to work.

By deciding on the structure of the Review ahead of time, managers and their teams have more productive and rewarding development conversations.

Learn more about Reviews