Engagement & Performance Made Simple.


Reviews shouldn’t be hard. We make yours a great experience by showing you what’s happened over the past quarter & giving your direct reports a smart way to prepare.


How this helps teams

No more shooting from the hip. Teams prepare properly for reviews by going through a simple flow that surfaces insight from their Weekly Update.

By looking back at what’s gone well, what’s not gone so well, and future objectives, everyone’s on the same page.

That means employees lead the conversation, and they get to speak about the things that matter most to them.

Once the Review is over, Motivii’s comments and notes mean that both managers and employees are on the same page, and clear on next steps.

How this helps managers

Reviews are your biggest chance to support your team’s development, and give open feedback to help them reach their goals.

make yours more productive and meaningful by going over your team’s review prep before you sit down together.

This helps you cover everything that’s important that’s important and have a clear idea of how the conversation’s going to go.

Once the Review’s over, follow up with notes and comments to share a plan of action with your direct reports.


“Although I knew my team were on track with tasks, without Motivii, the reason behind their performance wasn’t regularly explored.”

Laila Iftikhar, Change Director at Adecco


How this helps companies

Motivii helps everyone remember what’s happened with relevant insight from the past quarter, and prepares a simple flow for their development conversations.

This improves the quality of the development conversation and improves the connection between managers and their direct reports.

Employees’ development is supported, while managers have structure built into their 1:1s with their team, which improves retention & expectations of performance.


“Motivii delivers real benefits in terms of performance management and wellbeing.”

Jonathan Hollis, Scale Proposition Manager at PwC


Built for Managers & People Leaders

Book a demo to see how Motivii can improve engagement and performance at your company.
