Motivii helps REaD Group secure quick client wins


Many collaboration tools are known for providing an effective method for communicating internally, but it’s not often these can be directly attributed to winning business. 

However, Scott Logie, MD of Engagement at REaD Group, claims that Motivii was a clear factor in a series of client wins for the data communications agency.

Scott explained: “There are often subtle gaps between what employees are likely to bring up in a team-wide meeting, what’ll they say in an email, and what they’ll say in a one-to-one catch-up. We could make sure nothing falls through the gaps by frequently having all three, but that just wouldn’t be productive. 

“Instead, we used Motivii’s Update to bridge the gaps and give each person in the organisation a clear view of what they’re working on, along with their challenges and achievements for the week. Since launching Motivii with our production, sales and operations teams about a year ago, that company-wide awareness has led to collaborations between different teams, which in turn led to a quick series of wins for REaD Group.” 

Motivii also helps support REaD Group’s existing HR processes, such as quarterly reviews, Scott said.

“We still catch up with employees every quarter, but Motivii’s Weekly Update gives people the chance to share what they’re working on, what they’re struggling with, and submit any feedback on how we’re managing the organisation in the intervening periods. 

“The value that data offers managers is invaluable,” he added. “The more managers can understand what employees struggle with, the more equipped they are to support their teams. In turn, employees are more engaged and able to work more productively.” 

Scott noted that in one instance an employee used the Weekly Update to note that she had difficulty with her eyesight. As soon as Scott received the update, he booked an eye test for the employee which led to her getting glasses. 

Talking about the incident, Scott said, “the things you think are bothering your employees at work are not always the same as what they’re actually struggling with.

 “Pulling an employee aside to ask what they’re struggling with is, frankly, a bit awkward and employees can be understandably a bit reluctant to share things, too. Motivii provides an environment where employees at every level share their achievements and challenges, which makes overcoming difficulties a more communal success.”

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