Motivii COVID-19 Response

It’s hard to imagine the challenges some people must be going through across the world with the spread of COVID-19. Over the coming months we are all being forced to change the way we live and work.

We all need to think about what we can do to help. No matter how small, it could make a big difference.

So from today and until further notice anyone can use Motivii Teams for free.

We created Motivii to help teams communicate better and connect with each other in a more meaningful way than a regular status update. It works really well for people who work closely together and we also found that these benefits are amplified when you work remotely as it’s even harder to connect and reflect on how you are doing at work.

As a reminder this is how the weekly update works:

  1. At the end of the week you complete an update on how you feel the week has gone; then we ask a few anonymous questions to help you understand how you’re feeling.

  2. At the start of the week you get sent a summary of your team’s updates so you can see each persons highlights, challenges & key priorities but all answers are collated into a single anonymised score.

  3. You use these updates to have better conversations and the insight helps you track how you’re doing over time.

It’s not particularly complicated. You just need your team to submit a two-minute update at the end of each week.

You can get started here

We are rapidly adapting the product to cope with this change. In the short term you may get a message about a Free 30 day trial, just ignore the message for now as we will manually remove the time limit for each Team that signs up. However, if you can afford to contribute to what we are doing all help is appreciated.

Finally we would like to give a special thank you to Motivii’s paying Business clients that allow us to keep the software running.

Together we are stronger.

Best wishes,

Eamon Tuhami

Motivii Founder & CEO

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